Will iPads change the way we drink (and sell) wine? Many wine directors and restaurateurs think so — and for now, according to an aritcle in Nation’s Restaurant News, are willing to shell out the $500-$800 investment per unit to move bottles. Says the story: “At Naples Tomato in Naples, Fla., iPads loaded with the Personal Sommelier app helped increase wine sales by 16 percent in the first half of December 2010, compared to the same period a year prior without the device, reported Jack Serfass, co-founder of the Italian restaurant, which has a 550-item wine list.” Good news for restaurants for sure, but one question looms: Will the iPad put a cork in jobs for somms? What do you think?
RT @ToqueMag: Will #iPads Become (and Replace) #Sommeliers? http://bit.ly/ib5bxm